Our Vision

Sustainable Life

For over 30 years, OneLife has been working with partners and clients to create a sustainable future based on responsibility and trust.  These values drive how we do business and emphasise the importance we place on performance of all types, non-financial as well as financial.

We see it as our clear responsibility to conduct our activities with sustainability and strong governance in mind, putting the well-being of our partners and clients, our workforce, our community and the wider world at the centre of our ambition to respond to today’s social and environmental challenges.

We organise our vision around 3 main areas:

Sustainable investing & investment management

The investments which underpin our life insurance contracts offer the opportunity to adopt SRI strategies at the heart of portfolio management. OneLife works together with its asset and investment manager partners to provide an SRI range of external funds in addition to a growing number of socially responsible internal collective funds and dedicated funds.  Our partners and clients can choose sustainable investment strategies which encompass environmental and social responsibility factors.  

OneLife is thus in line with the requirements of the European Union (EU) regulation 2019/2088 of 27 November 2019 on sustainability reporting in the financial services sector which came into force on 10 March 2021.  This regulation aims to adopt behaviours to achieve environmental, social and good corporate governance objectives.

OneLife Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) Statement


Environmental sensibility

Contributing to the protection of our planet is key through the reduction of carbon emissions, energy efficiency and effective waste disposal. At OneLife, a key part of our strategy is built around the respect of environmental factors and ensuring that our operational footprint remains as small as possible.

OneLife has decided to increase these efforts by submitting to CSR certification in 2022. To this end, a CSR committee has been set up to implement all the social and environmental commitments that are an integral part of its strategic plan.

Social commitment

We know that we have a duty to treat our partners, clients and other business counterparties with care and attention to develop long-lasting relationships based on trust.  That is why we value customer satisfaction and implement initiatives on a continuous basis to help make doing business with our company as simple and transparent as we can.

We actively encourage a diverse and inclusive culture in the workplace and build employee engagement through fair treatment of our employees, equality and the celebration of diversity.  OneLife contributes to the sponsorship of Damien Seguin, round the world skipper whose handicap is no brake on his ambitions.  We support our local community in Luxembourg and across our markets by contributing to associations such as ELA, the Red Cross and other disaster relief organisations.



In June 2022, OneLife was awarded the ESR label by the INDR, the Luxembourg institute for sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. This certification recognises our efforts to implement a CSR strategy within our company, accompanied by a concrete action plan.



In line with our CSR certification, OneLife signed in 2022 the National Pact “Business and Human Rights”, demonstrating our commitment to support the national action plan in implementing the United Nations guiding principles throughout companies.

At OneLife, this commitment is internally illustrated by various actions and principles such as freedom of expression, promotion of respect among employees, well-being or work-life balance. We also took external commitments such as a careful choice of suppliers and partners who respect those principles.


In January 2024, OneLife became a signatory to the #StOpE “Ordinary Sexism in the Workplace” initiative, supported and led by AFMD (the French Association of Diversity Managers).

With almost 200 signatory organisations representing the private, public and academic sectors, the association pools everyone’s energies to combat ordinary sexism in the workplace and provides best practice on the subject.

This initiative reinforces our commitment to inclusion, one of the pillars of our CSR strategy.


You can view OneLife Assessment Pact questionnaire here 


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Damien Seguin, and the art of winning! – OneLife