

They say, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.” Clearly, the person who first came up with this expression didn’t have a Luxembourg Life Assurance contract.

How can we be so confident in assuming this?

Because these contracts are robust enough to prepare you for any life milestone – no matter if it is the death of a loved family member, saving up for a big move, or planning for your grandchildren’s future. OneLife has compiled the stories of three families across Europe, each of whom has identified the innumerable benefits that a Luxembourg Life Assurance contract has brought them.


The Blanchet family for instance, wanted to ensure their children from previous marriages would be appropriately cared for were something to happen to their father and mother.

The Peeters family is one of those classic international, 21st century families – spread all across Europe, speaking several different languages and taking very different, interesting paths in life. Their main aim in signing up for a life assurance contract was to find a solution to avoid double taxation in the context of cross-border succession.  

The Tuominen family relayed that their contract helped them financially manage their situation even when they themselves could not emotionally manage the death of a family member.  


Do any of these concerns sound familiar? Then you’ve come to the right place. Delve into our Succession e-Book to explore the multitude of ways in which a Life Assurance contract can help you.


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