Wealthy clients are loyal customers willing to commit to long-term relationships, according to the Futurewealth HNW research project.

Investors in Europe have typically been customers of their main wealth management firm for just over 13 years and for the majority of that time, their financial needs have been looked after by the same key contact.

On average, European HNW respondents have been working with their primary relationship manager for an average of 8.1 years, slightly less than wealthy peers in Asia or the Americas who’ve typically worked with their wealth manager for 10.6 and 10.7 years respectively, but still an impressive length of time.


PICS-2015.12.18 - DNA EU Investors - 8 - Building loyalty

Source: The Futurewealth Report; Scorpio Partnership, NPG Wealth Management and SEI


Clients who have been with their relationship manager for a great proportion of their time with a firm, tend to be more satisfied that those who have worked with multiple contact points. Those who rated their primary wealth management firm as ‘very good’ have been with their current relationship manager for four-fifths of their engagement with the brand. This compares to just three-fifths among those who rated their primary wealth management firm as ‘poor’.